Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Under a Tree

I sat under the tree and let the shade envelope me. As i sat on the cement wall, i looked down into the pond at my other my reflection.... The gentle breeze whispered in my the leaves swayed in orchestrated unison with the breeze...
 I heard a splash and saw a little boy throwing stones into the pond, watching the ripples in wonder...I remembered the day the first time i threw a coin into the vast river from a moving train. And i wondered, where is all the wonder and innocence now? I saw a couple hand in hand, obviously very much in love...and i remembered....the last time i was here...under that tree..
 It had been long since i had sat there under that tree. And the last time i had sat there i wasn't alone.I was with my soulmate. I was with my best friend. I was with my companion and i was in the midst of love.
I remember that day. That day is etched deep in my heart. I might not remember the date.But i remember the hours spent under that tree, as i gazed lovingly into his eyes. As i let my mask of 'a bubbly girl' fall and let my soul talk.  I remember his loving eyes telling me he would always be there for me.No matter what. 
We sat there for three hours or was it longer? We sat there oblivious of the people around us. Of the disapproving eyes..of the curious looks..of the stares..We smiled at each other when we saw couples hand in hand, while at the same time wondering how many of them would last..I remember thinking 'Will you and me last?' I remember saying this to him and he held my hand...he didnt say a word but just held on to my hand..he spoke through touch..he reassured me with his eyes...that we would last forever...
For a few minutes we were quiet,absorbing our surroundings and then we were lost in each other again. We sat there discussing everything under the sky, from the injustice meeted out to the vulnerable sections to the environment..We laughed... We talked about us, our future, hopes and dreams...
As we moved away from the tree towards the pond,little did we realise that, that tree and that place would be something we would cherish forever...where we felt a sense of togetherness..not just with each other but with our surroundings... 


Unknown said...

Muah.. I can never forget that tree too da kanna.. The weather was also awesome that day and if I am not mistaken we were broke and dint have a rupee to buy anything but the parking ticket :) I promise we will spend more time than that under many more trees and will give u more memmories than u can remember.. Muah.. Love u kanna

Priya said...

Yeap we were broke after we bought the parking ticket and the entry fee! ;)

Venkat Parthasarathy said...

Many Many Happy returns of THAT day....!

God Bless you both with wonderful years under the tree of love...!

Eskayem said...

Heh guys.

Lucky u surely are. I cant remember sumthing like dat @ all for de simple reason dat I hv neva eva had a soul mate. Mostly a loner I am, honestly.

Ya like Venky sd, Many Happy Returns of Dat Day nd whn u go bk dis time, may u hv loads of dollars.

potter said...

awww!! :)
Last forever you will!! I am soo sure! :) Happy for you guys.

and yes pp..I cant stop myself from sayin
"lucky beeeetch"
again :P