Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Hope Hope Hope- A beautiful word

What is it with seminars and lack of time sense? Either Hyderabadis are really laidback or the traffic situation is just getting worse! I had been sent to cover 4 press conferences and all of them started atleast half an hour. Sheer lack of time sense is plaguing this city and some times the seminars conducted are a sheer waste of time! A press release would have been enough in most of the cases.
There are two kinds of journalists in this world- one kind is the kind who sees the world in white and black and the other kind are the jaundiced journalists who are highly subjective and for all their preachings have no qualms accepting 'gifts' or 'gifts-in-form-of-cash'. It is a disturbing trend. A few rotten apples spoil the whole basket, well this holds good even in this field. Thanks to these jaundiced journalists, even the remaining ones are put in the same category and offered 'tempatations'. And don't even make the mistake of confronting the PROs who mislead the companies. They would cooly say that journalists accept money or gifts and you have put your leg in cowdung.
Sometimes i laugh at my thinking- my hope that every problem has a solution. And believe me every bloody problem in our country has a solution in black and white but what lacks is will power to implement it! We have policies for everything from providing free education to the specially abled to safeguarding pedestrian rights to guidelines to manage solid waste but somehow our dear politicians are just not aware of these policies or well care a damn about them.
It gets frustrating when you have to run from one department after another only to realise that goddamit there is a law, there is a policy but....! Babus just say But....and push the blame on another department. Its all about blame game. I am not whining. I am venting. Yes, we are to blame for this situation for this i-care-a-damn-about-u-citizen attitude from the administrators. we are nothing but mere vote banks for the politicians and we go about our duty of voting in the most indifferent and irresponsible manner possible. How many of us actually read the election manifestos or look at the background of the politicians? I came into the field hoping to change something..i am still leaving in Plato's ideal world- It doesnt exist. And idealists are mere memoirs in our country.... I m not someone who has lost hope, no i hope for this country, and i hope to c it change for the better..but i am someone who is wondering how and where it all starts.. will there be a big bang? what would change the things around us? Would writing about issues make any difference at all? Questions questions and more questions..and i am still searching for answers...

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